Sunday, October 19, 2008


Dear Sponsor,

The Lord is so good! He continuously sustains me throughout this 3 years of my life. The Lord continues to provide, thanks to You sponsors, I am now currently on my 3rd Year here at FEBIAS COLLEGE OF BIBLE! For 3 years for 3 years in the seminary, I have learned many things, that I can be able to apply in my Ministry. As well as I can say that I am now more maturing spiritually. Praise be the Lord!

My school/ministry highlights this 1st semester are.:

1. VISION WEEK (Sept. 21-28) held at FEBIAS COLLEGE of BIBLE (Where I was the one who edited the school’s promotion vid)

2. SHORT TERM MISSIONARY TRIP (Oct. 9-12). Held at Tarlac, Viga Christian and Mission Church. Where I preached and trained workers in INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY.

3. MEDICAL MISSION (March) where I volunteered in our church in Cabiao as an usher for the people who are in need of help! Praise the Lord because... (continued on pg. 2)

Through this activities, we are able to reach more souls for Christ.

These 3 contributed to my growth as a minister of the Lord. Praise the Lord because He continues to stir up the gifts that He has given to me. As I continue to use these gifts for His Glory! Continue to support me with your prayers, as I develop and mature deeper in my faith in Christ. God bless you more!

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